Project Details

This section contains the following options:
- Unique ID
- Start Date – Set the start date for the project.
- Timezone – Set timezone for the project.
- City – Set the city for the project.
- County
- Province – Set the province for the project.
- Country – Set the country for the project.
- Address – Set the address for the project.
- Latitude – Set the latitude for the project. Specify Latitude as an integer.
- Longitude – Set the longitude for the project. Specify Longitude as an integer.
- Before Photo – Set the image for the project before.
- After Photo – Set the image for the project after.
- Project Value – Set the value for the project.
- Project Status – Select the status of the project. Options include: None, Completed, On Hold, Dropped.
- Pro Project – Enable to define the project as Pro Project.
- Permit Number
- Customer Name – Set the customer name for the project.
- Post Method – Select the post method for the project. Options include: Manual, Profolio API.